I broke my footrest, is what I did. One of the welds was cracked anyway, I’m not sure how, and heavy, reckless use of my Freewheel finally did for it.
It’s usable for now, although my Freewheel is not, and I wouldn’t like to cover any rough ground or wonky pavements. To be clear, the loop part is where I rest my feet and since those welds are broken at the top, it’s hanging down quite low to the ground. If I hit a rock or kerb or raised paving stone at speed, I’d be sprawling on the ground.
I have a new footrest on order, but it won’t get here for a few days, delayed by inconsiderate people having Christmas holidays. Once it arrives, fitting it will be a matter of five minutes work with an allen key.
A relatively minor training setback. Indoor training is progressing as usual (after a few days on light-to-moderate duties).