Raising money to help women who are survivors of domestic and sexual violence by doing distance wheelchair challenges.

In 2020, at age 48, I contracted a neurological condition which made me a wheelchair user. It’s a progressive condition and I have no idea how much time I have left or what might go wrong with me next.

So far, I’ve done:

  • Over a dozen wheelchair half marathons, all around the UK
  • 2000 wheelchair miles in one calendar year
  • A virtual wheelchair trip to Mordor (1815 miles, doing 13 miles every single day)

All of this was to raise money for nia. a women-led, women-only, secular, rights-based registered charity which, since 1975, has been delivering services to women and girls who are survivors of sexual and domestic violence and abuse, including prostitution.
So far, I’ve raised around £10,000 and I’m working on raising more.

In 2025, I’ll be switching from wheelchair to handcycle. This is like an ordinary recumbent bike, but the handlebars are the pedals. It’s a lot harder to push than an ordinary bike, but I’m getting used to it.

I’ve already planned out some routes and I’ll be announcing some long-distance cycling events early in 2025.

Here’s how you can make a difference

  • Donate to my crowdfunder. Every penny goes directly to nia. I have no access at all to donations. If you’re in the UK, don’t forget to add Gift Aid.
  • Spread the word. Share my fundraiser page as widely as you can among friends, family, networks and on social media. Awareness is key to eliminating violence against women and girls.
  • Inspire others. Let’s show the world the power of collective action. Encourage others to join the fight to end violence against women and girls.
  • Encourage me and follow my progress! You can follow me on Twitter with the hashtag #WheelyLongWay. I report miles done regularly as recorded by my fitness app.

Violence against women and girls

“Violence against women” means any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.”

United Nations’ General Assembly Declaration of the Elimination of Violence against Women (resolution 48/104 of December 1993)

Violence against women and girls includes:

  • Domestic/intimate partner violence
  • Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C)
  • Forced marriage
  • ‘Honour’ based violence
  • Prostitution and trafficking
  • Sexual violence including rape
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Sexual harassment
  • Stalking
  • Coercive Control

The level of domestic and sexual violence against women and girls is horrific. See the statistics for yourself.

“Violence that is directed against a woman because she is a women or that affects women disproportionately”.

The Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Why nia?

nia is run for women and children by women, providing services developed in consultation with women who have experienced men’s violence, and from a proudly feminist perspective.

nia has three main aims:

  • To provide services for women, girls and children who have experienced men’s violence.
  • To contribute to ending male violence against women and girls.
  • To inform and influence policy and public awareness.

It achieves this by:

  • Providing high quality services for women, children and young people who have experienced or are at risk of male violence.
  • Increasing awareness of male violence and developing services, contributing to research, debate and policy initiatives to prevent it.
  • Challenging inequality and discrimination and celebrating diversity.
  • Empowering and supporting women and children.
  • Increasing and developing the effectiveness of resources through partnership, collaboration and multi-agency action.

In the year between April 2022 and March 2023, nia’s incredible all-woman staff team provided one-to-one support to 1,476 women, girls and children subjected to sexual and domestic violence and abuse, including prostitution. This breaks down to:

  • 253 women at high risk of repeated and serious domestic violence including homicide were supported by nia’s Independent Domestic Violence Advocacy (IDVA) services: 206 in Haringey & 24 in Hackney, of which 71 were women supported by its new specialist service for women aged over 55
  • East London Rape Crisis Independent Sexual Violence Advocates provided practical and emotional casework support for 242 women; and short-term casework to 103 women and girls. The ELRC counselling service worked with 306 women
  • nia’s Young Women’s Team provided support to 100 young women and girls, through its East London Rage Crisis Project, CouRAGEous Project and Haringey service. The team also ran awareness raising programmes attended by 102 young women and girls, training sessions to 155 professionals and a workshop on how to support your daughter after sexual violence to 5 mothers and carers
  • 267 women subjected to domestic violence and abuse accessed the IRIS service through doctor’s surgeries in Hackney and City and Haringey
  • nia’s refuges The Emma Project, Daria House and Jan’s Place were home to 49 women who have problematic substance use and had been subjected to sexual and domestic violence and sexual exploitation, including prostitution
  • The Anita Exiting Prostitution and Advocacy and Ascent Projects supported 23 women exploited and abused through prostitution and/or who have problematic substance use; the WiSER and CASA projects supported a further 17
  • 71 women in street prostitution were supported by nia’s night time outreach team
  • The London Holistic Advocacy Wrap Around Service for women who have insecure immigration status and have no recourse to public funds, supported 20 women
  • 24 children under 16 who had been subjected to or witnessed domestic violence and abuse were supported by nia’s Play Therapy service.

In addition

  • The East London Rape Crisis Information and Support Line supported 1011 women and girls, and 2 men.

Please help to support nia’s incredible and vital work if you can. Every penny will help a woman or child who is a survivor of domestic or sexual violence.
