From 3rd of June 2024 I’ll be (virtually) recreating Sam and Frodo’s Journey from The Shire to Mordor from The Lord of the Rings, in a wheelchair, to raise money for nia (, a charity run by women for women and girls who are survivors of domestic and sexual violence, including prostitution.

I’m hoping to beat Sam and Frodo there, without all that skiving in Rivendell and Lorien, so I’m aiming to complete the 1800 miles or so in five months.

This works out at a ridiculously challenging half marathon per day, every day for five months.

I’ll be sharing my progress against the places and events in the story and posting pictures, postcards, stories and quizzes!

My story

In 2020, at age 48, I contracted a neurological condition which put me in a wheelchair. Since then, I’ve been doing wheelchair half marathons in aid of nia and have just finished a challenge to do 2000 wheelchair miles in a year.

Wheelchair to Mordor is my next fundraising challenge and the hardest so far.

Nia’s story

Nia, has been fighting violence against women and girls since 1975. They support around 2000 women/year across a range of services including prostitution exiting, rape crisis, domestic violence and play therapy.

They deliver frontline services to women and undertake research. Increasingly they need to advocate for women to try to ensure that they can access rights, justice and support and we achieve more together than alone.

Your contribution

Please help to support nia’s vital work. You can donate here. All the money goes directly to nia without my ever having access to it. If you’re in the UK, don’t forget to add Gift Aid!